Drama/Drama drama


Slaughter house

Un thriller ibérico

La vida reposada de un pequeño pueblo ubicado en Zamora cambia de golpe tras la muerte de Francisco, el dueño del matadero local. Una pareja es responsable: su mujer y su cuñado, veterinario del pueblo. Ambos tratarán de ocultar su implicación en el crimen pero todo se complica cuando aparece una banda de narcotraficantes, de la que Francisco formaba parte sin que nadie lo supiese. Thriller con gotas de humor negro y costumbrista.

An iberican thriller

The relaxed life of a small town changes suddenly after Francisco’sdeath, the owner of the local abattoir. A couple is responsible: his wife and his brother-in-law. Both of them must try to hide their participation in the crime, but things are going to get very complicated when a gang of drug traffickers appear on scene. Francisco was part of their illegal network and he also owed them money. Rural thriller with dabs of black humor and tradition.

Reparto/Cast: Pepe Viyuela, Lucía Quintana, Carmen Ruíz, Tito Valverde, Ginés García Millán, Antonio Garrido, Miguel de Lira, Filipe Duarte


10 x 70'

Año de producción/Production year/s:


Derechos de distribución /Distribution rights:

Vídeos | Screening area

  • Matadero
    Episode 1 Subtitled
  • Matadero
    Episode 2 Subtitled
  • Matadero